Attrazioni turistiche top-rated in Italia - RIAVW

Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Italy

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As the birthplace of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance, it is no surprise that Italy is so rich in masterpieces of art and architecture, or that it has more UNESCO World Heritage Sites than any other country in the world. But the main tourist attractions of Italy are not all art and architecture; the country is blessed with lakes, mountains and a spectacular coastline which also give it exceptional natural attractions. This list of the best places to visit is just the start of amazing things to see and do in Italy.

1 Colosseum


For travelers making their way through Italy, the Colosseum is a must see. This huge amphitheater is the largest of its kind ever built by the Roman Empire and has remained a model for sports facilities until modern times. Built as a venue for public spectacles and performances, including mock naval battles, it had a wooden floor measuring 83 by 48 meters. Below were two floors of tunnels, rooms, cells and passageways for gladiators, workers, wild animals and warehouses. Today, the structure stands in stark contrast to the modern development that surrounds it and is an important reminder of ancient times and the vast history of Rome.


2 Canals of Venice

Venice Canals
Canals of Venice
A gondola ride through the canals of Venice has been a tradition that travelers have enjoyed for centuries. Venice is a city of islands and the canals have long been the city's main streets, connected by a labyrinth of narrow passages. Along the canals are old buildings that have remained relatively unchanged for hundreds of years, adding to the romantic charm. The Grand Canal is the most famous of these waterways and one of the most photographed sites in Venice. The best way to see many of the grand palaces, whose facades overlook the water, is from a vaporetto ride along the Grand Canal.

3 Pompeii


The still smoking volcano of Mt. Vesuvius looks down on the remains of the city it destroyed in 79 AD But that same eruption also preserved many of the city's artistic treasures: frescoes, mosaics and sculptures that were encased in the lava as it cooled. Several centuries of excavations have revealed the remains of houses, markets, spas, temples, theaters, streets and human remains. Visitors can tour the site, walk along the old chariot tracks and see the engineering used by the Romans more than 2,000 years ago.

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