Green Pea, the store dedicated to sustainability, is born in Turin

The Farinetti family launches a large five-storey retail park at the Lingotto, where products that respect man and nature will be on sale
After inventing Unieuro and Eataly, the Farinetti family launches "Green Pea" at the Lingotto in Turin, the first Green Retail Park in the world dedicated to the theme of respect. The name Green Pea, which in English means "green pea", means the theme of respect for the earth and the enhancement of good behavior. It involves 15 thousand square meters of sustainable products distributed over five floors (Life, Home, Fashion, Beauty, Otium Pea Club).
Floor 0, dedicated to the Life theme, sees the proposals of the partners FCA, Iren, Enel X, TIM, UniCredit, Mastercard, FPT Industrial. On the first floor there are household products on sale, on the second the best Italian and international sustainable fashion brands and the tailoring of the past and the future, while the third is the place dedicated to beauty, with the concept stores of the best Italian brands. 'clothing and at the same time, cosmetics, books, culture and food, together. Finally, the fourth floor houses an exclusive, but inclusive, Club on the Rooftop dedicated to Creative Leisure, with the Alkemy Spa, Cocktail Bar and the first infinity pool in Turin overlooking the Alps. Green Pea is a place of beauty and respect to give life to a new way of consuming: with every purchase you can become part of the change.
Experiences, events and all the services necessary to realize the beauty of green living: 66 shops, a museum, 3 restaurants, a swimming pool, a spa and a club dedicated to Creative Idleness. In total, 72 places of beauty and respect in which to discover products designed to last for a long time and which, once they have reached the end of their life, can be reused or recycled. Because Green Pea is convinced that the long life of the products is one of the fundamental aspects of the theme of sustainability. Green Pea partners believe in the need to produce and consume in harmony with nature and, at the same time, work to build products in line with the principles of beauty and originality of Made in Italy.
With a clear goal: bring green quality to the widest possible audience with an offer for all budgets. The Green Pea building was designed as an innovative and resilient element, sustainable in every detail, in order to allow the building to breathe and let it breathe, in harmony with the human being and with the natural elements. The project has created a place with the characteristics of a natural organism, like no others exist. A building that invites people to discover the world of sustainability, demonstrating its beauty. A futuristic structure, with more than 2,000 trees, plants and shrubs, which is itself the manifesto of Green Pea, imagined as the most sustainable and most beautiful building possible. For a continuous search for beauty and also for a practical purpose: to be able to transmit the values we believe in making them tangible and welcoming to people. The Green Pea building demonstrates the effectiveness of energy production through the use of renewable sources that guarantee high efficiency and reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
The building is in fact powered by geothermal wells, photovoltaic and solar panels, elements for the capture of wind energy and for the recovery of kinetic energy. These energy solutions are made welcoming and speaking by the entire building. If you want to learn more, in the Green Pea Discovery Museum, which welcomes all visitors of Green Pea, there are routes suitable for all ages to discover how these technologies work in the most effective way: through examples to be touched by hand.
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