Accordo per gli utenti - RIAVW


Between - 1. SOCIETY

/ PARTICIPANT COMPANY (.. Name, full address (tax code), VAT number
Sector of activity, hereinafter the CUSTOMER

E – 2. World Mind   diseguito il SUPPLIER

Le parti concordano questo contratto di inserzione sulla relativa piattaforma, come segue:


1.1. Le presenti condizioni generali hanno come oggetto le norme per i servizi di web marketing, web advertising, geolocalizzazione in mobilità e, a richiesta, e-commerce, gestiti da WORLD MIND shpk( Srl)

1.2. Any service defined as ancillary to the service and requested by the CUSTOMER, even after the stipulation, is subject to the conditions of this agreement.

1.3. The CUSTOMER si impegna a fornire il materiale da pubblicare che sarà da “World Mind” valutato ed accettato se ritenuto conforme.

Under these conditions, the relative "account" will be automatically issued which will allow the subscriber customer to operate independently in the online publication of their products and / or services.

1.4 WORLD MIND provides the Customer with a service that includes:

▪ 1 year of registration on the platform from the day of Signing the Contract.

▪ 1 year of full support.

▪ Customer certification.

▪ Possibility of placing an unlimited number of products or services on the space dedicated to him.

▪ Complete management of your own "account", including shop, showcase, e-commerce, Booking, Rental, Profile, with connection to "Social Media".

▪ Control of the above, via App or fixed position.

▪ Complete analysis of visits and analytical statistics.


2.1. The rate that the customer must pay as the cost of membership amounts to € 150.00 (one hundred and fifty / 00) plus the legal VAT. The simultaneous issuance of an electronic invoice corresponds to the non-divisible payment.

2.2. The platform provides for the possible use by the member company of operational tools such as Booking and E-commerce.
In caso di attivazione del servizio di e-commerce, il cliente corrisponde a “World Mind” con periodicità mensile commissione comprensiva di tutti i servizi aggiuntivi pari al 5% sul volume di vendita e/o sul totale dei servizi generati mediante la pubblicazione sulla piattaforma

2.3The platform provides for the possible use by the CUSTOMER of operational tools such as Booking and E-commerce.
In tal caso WORLD MIND applicheràuna commissione pari al 5% + Iva, trattenuta direttamente sull’incasso derivante dalla vendita dei prodotti e/o dei servizi attraverso la pubblicazione sulla piattaforma


3.1. The contract is considered perfected and concluded on the day of signing. The contract thus concluded has a duration equal to the period of time of 12 months from the date of signing.

3.2. Alla scadenza fissata, il presente contratto, salvo diverso accordo o disdetta scritta, si intenderà tacitamente rinnovato. Il rinnovo, da effettuarsi almeno 30 giorni prima della scadenza, avverrà mediante pagamento del corrispettivo previsto al punto 2.1; in tale ipotesi il contratto si rinnoverà per un’ulteriore annualità. World Mind. non garantisce il buon esito della procedura di rinnovo qualora questo sia stato richiesto dal cliente a servizio già scaduto o qualora il pagamento non sia avvenuto entro i termini stabiliti (30 gg prima della scadenza).

3.3. The notice of termination must be received at least 60 days before the contractual expiry date by registered mail or certified e-mail to the email address Failing this, the service will be tacitly renewed for one year.

3.4. A partire da 60 (sessanta) giorni prima della scadenza, WORLD MIND., senza obblighi nei confronti del Cliente, avrà la facoltà di inviare allo stesso, tramite gli indirizzi di posta elettronica comunicati, avvisi di scadenza e le istruzioni da seguire per poter rinnovare il servizio.

3.5. In caso di disdetta, recesso o risoluzione illegittima da parte del Cliente, “WORLD MIND”. è fin d’ora autorizzata a trattenere ed incassare le somme pagate dal Cliente a titolo di penale salvo il risarcimento del maggior danno.

3.6 The Customer undertakes to update the e-mail address, also certified, of reference to be sure of continuing to receive technical and commercial communications from World Mind, which, in the absence of this obligation, no contractual breach can be attributed.


4.1 The obligations and responsibilities of the Supplier towards the Customer are exclusively those defined by this document and by the Estimate, therefore in any case of violation or non-fulfillment attributable to the Supplier, it is not liable for an amount greater than that paid by the Customer for the single service concerned. from the harmful event and net of expenses already incurred. The Customer acknowledges and agrees not to claim any request for compensation, compensation, interest or charge of any kind for direct or indirect damages of any nature and in particular due to the failure to provide the service, malfunctions or non-acceptance of the Customer's proposal. 

4.2 The Supplier may use material licensed under an Open Source license or with other types of Free License (for example: WordPress, OpenCart, etc.) for which from now on it is agreed that it will not be held responsible in any way in case of malfunctions or absence of mentioned characteristics or other defects of any kind and in general for any direct or indirect damage detected. The material used is in fact taken "asis" (as it is at the time of use) without any guarantee (implicit or explicit) and without the same being guaranteed to be free from defects (obvious or hidden) or that violate any third party rights. The Customer undertakes to accept and comply with the terms of the aforementioned licenses.

4.3 For the realization of the services agreed in the Contract, the Supplier may make use, at its sole discretion and at its expense, of the use of software, plug-ins, etc., offered free of charge or not by other companies, considered useful to improve the performance of the service. , in compliance with the laws in force. Furthermore, the Supplier may subcontract the services covered by the Contract at its own expense, even partially, without having to notify the Customer.

4.4 World Mind, deve pubblicare il materiale ricevuto la prima volta dal Cliente entro dieci giorni dal giorno di efficacia del contratto o dal ricevimento se successivo. Non potrà essere, in nessun caso, ritenuto responsabile per ritardi nella erogazione del servizio causati da: a) malfunzionamento degli apparati del Cliente; b) ritardi da parte del Cliente nel trasmettere al Fornitore le informazioni o la documentazione richiesti; c) guasti ai propri sistemi hardware; d) ritardi dovuti al Gestore dei servizi di Dominio e Hosting; e) cause di forza maggiore (ad esempio: calamità naturali, scioperi, ecc).

4.5. In caso di difficoltà operative nella realizzazione della pubblicazione online, il servizio di assistenza della World Mind ,sarà a disposizione per il raggiungimento dell’obbiettivo prestabilito, in modo gratuito e continuativo.

4.6. The contract is sent by e-mail to Cientat the moment of joining.



5.1 The Customer undertakes to deliver, in the formats suitable for publication and in definitive form, all the material necessary to be published on the site and to allow the Supplier to process and provide the shared service (by way of example and not exhaustive: texts, images, links , catalogs, audio and video files, logos, disclaimers, privacy, contractual conditions, etc.) within ten working days of acceptance of the Estimate, by e-mail. If the deadline indicated is exceeded, the Supplier reserves the right to terminate the contract.


5.2 The Customer guarantees that the data, contact details and information provided to the Provider for the purpose of concluding the Contract are accurate, truthful, updated and such as to allow his identification. It also undertakes to communicate any changes to them.


5.3 The Customer undertakes to deliver the access keys to the Supplier for the performance of the requested services. The Supplier, for security reasons, will change the access passwords; upon receipt of the entire amount referred to in point 3.1, it will return the access keys to the Customer.


5.4 At each delivery or return of the access keys, the Customer is required to change the passwords and to keep the access keys, remaining solely responsible for them.


5.5 The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the service covered by this document is characterized by constantly evolving technology, for these reasons the Supplier reserves the right to modify for the better the technical and economic characteristics of the service, of the tools related to it and to vary the conditions of the Contract at any time, even after its signing, without making any obligations of any kind on the Customer.



6.1 The Customer declares to be the owner of the data published on the site and retains full ownership, assuming all responsibility for their content, with the express exemption of the Supplier from any responsibility and burden of verification and / or control in this regard. By "data" we mean, by way of non-exhaustive example: photographs, logos, trademarks, images, texts, videos, audio files, documents, graphics, diagrams, projects, links, disclaimers, privacy policies, gdpr documents, data acquisition procedures, etc. . The Supplier, therefore, declines all responsibility for the published data, which are also sensitive or personal.


6.2 The Supplier, while making every effort to ensure that this does not happen, cannot be held responsible in any case for the use of data, delivered and / or requested by the Customer, which are, without the knowledge of the Supplier, covered by copyright, which violate the right of third parties, or that are illegal. The Supplier will consequently be relieved of any liability resulting from violations of copyright in relation to the contents of the site, illegal use of the website and the publication of illegal content on the site.


6.3 From the delivery by the Supplier to the Customer of the administrative access keys of the site and of the web space hosting the site, the Customer assumes all responsibility for the integrity and functioning of the website, with the Supplier expressly exempt from any liability regarding the malfunction or compromised integrity of the website itself. Therefore, for all the changes that the Customer, or whoever for him, made to the website (by way of indication and not exhaustive: changes to the code, to the arrangement of the directories and / or files, to the file names, to the arrangement of the elements pages, text, images, etc.), the Supplier cannot be held responsible for any damage or malfunctions. If the Customer requests assistance to resolve malfunctions caused by him or by third parties, by prior agreement, the rates in use by the Supplier during the current period will be applied.


6.4 In any case, the Supplier is unrelated and cannot be considered responsible for the activities that the Customer and his collaborators carry out in full autonomy.

6.5 The Customer is solely responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of all content, information and data provided to the Supplier. The Customer must always check the accuracy of all content, information and data that the Supplier has entered on the website and provide the Supplier with assistance on issues of the Customer's responsibility (privacy, legal notes, copyright).


7.1. WORLD riserva il diritto di variare in qualsiasi momento le condizioni indicate nel presente accordo ed i corrispettivi applicabili al presente contratto, dandone comunicazione via posta elettronica al Cliente.

7.2. E’ fatto salvo il diritto del Cliente di recedere entro 15 giorni,dal ricevimento della comunicazione delle modifiche di cui al punto precendente, tramite comunicazione scritta, da inviare via fax o E-mail. In caso di mancata comunicazione da parte del Cliente, le modifiche apportate dal Fornitore si intenderanno accettate ed entreranno in vigore dalla data della comunicazione.


8.1. This contract is automatically terminated pursuant to art. 1456 of the civil code for non-fulfillment of even one of the obligations provided for by the customer.

8.2. Restano, in ogni caso, impregiudicati i diritti di WORLD MIND. a percepire i corrispettivi dei servizi fruiti, oltre al risarcimento del danno. Il contratto si rinnova tacitamente per ugual periodo alle nuove condizioni e alle nuove tariffe salvo disdetta in base e con le modalità indicate nell’articolo 3.


9.1. In the case of assignment or succession for any reason by the customer, the successor will acquire rights and obligations deriving from this contract.


10.1. I dati personali forniti dal Cliente a WORLD MIND. sono tutelati dall’art.13 del D.l.g.s. n.196/2003 e successive modificazioni ed integrazioni, Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali.

10.2. The Customer gives his consent to the use of his personal data for the purposes of the execution of this contract also in relation to the activities of third parties essential for the fulfillment and verification of the obligations.

10.3. The data controller, pursuant to law no. 196/2003, is the WORLD MIND;

10.4. The provision of all data relating to this contract is strictly connected to the execution of the relationship so that any lack of consent will make it impossible to make it effective.

10.5. WORLD MIND.. si impegna a non rivelare i dati personali trattati a persone non autorizzate né ad usarli per scopi diversi da quelli strettamente connessi alla esecuzione del presente contratto, fatti salvi gli obblighi di legge e gli eventuali ordini dell’autorità giudiziaria o altre Autorità autorizzate per legge.


11.1. The applicable law is exclusively that of the Italian State. For all disputes relating to this contract, the Parties establish and recognize the competence of the Court of Aosta.


12.1. Il presente contratto appartiene alla WORLD MIND e ne è vietata la utilizzazione anche parziale in qualsiasi rapporto estraneo alla stessa; ogni eventuale abuso sarà perseguito a norma di legge.


13.1. The signing of this contract implies, irrevocably, the acceptance by both parties of all the privacy and general regulations for the purpose of fulfilling this contract and for marketing, profiling, communication of data to third parties, published on the platform

13.2. Il Cliente tramite il presente contratto esprime in modo inequivocabile il consenso al trattamento dei datiprivati alla WORLD MIND.per tutta la durata del contratto. Il Cliente ha il diritto alla revoca del consenso in modo scritto tramite una notifica via email all’indirizzo

13.3. Il Cliente, alla sottoscrizione del presente contratto e per tutta la durata dello stesso, in modo inequivocabile consente a World Mind. il trattamento dei dati. Il Cliente ha il diritto alla revoca del consenso in modo scritto tramite una notifica via email


14.1. The supplier strictly complies with the current legislation on privacy protection. To this end, the Customer is informed that, with the exception of the communication of personal data to the Authority responsible for keeping the register of domain names, the personal data that will be provided to the Supplier in the execution of the Contract will be processed by the Supplier, exclusively for purposes related to the contract itself, unless authorized by the Customer. You can read the complete and updated information on our website at https://www.RIAVW.COM FIND IT HERE:,cookies

14.2. Appointment as Data Processor: with reference to the personal data processed during the provision of the purchased Service, the Customer declares that he wishes to appoint ______________ (NAME OF THE subject) Data Processor. In accordance with the provisions of Article 28 of the European Regulation EU 2016/679 - GDPR, the content of the aforementioned appointment is defined by the parties in the annex DPA https: //www.RIAVW.COM which is an integral and substantial part of this contract. (FIND IT IN ATTACHMENT AND INSERTED IN OUR WEBSITE)




to) Contratto di nomina a responsabile del trattamento dei dati (DPA) ai sensi dell’articolo 28, Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 della World Mind shpk



Il presente Contratto per il Trattamento dei Dati – Data Protection Agreement (DPA) è parte integrante del contratto, di seguito indicato come “Contratto”, il quale è stipulato tra WORLD MIND (di seguito Società RIAVW) ed il Cliente, e che definisce i termini e le condizioni applicabili ai servizi offerti da RIAVW.COM (Servizi).

This DPA and the other provisions of the Agreement are complementary but in the event of a conflict between the two documents, this DPA takes precedence over the Agreement. In compliance with the provisions of Article 28 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data (hereinafter GDPR), this contract defines the methods, the conditions and instructions under which the Manager, in providing the Services defined in the Contract, must process the Customer's personal data.

Il trattamento dei Dati Personali da parte di WORLD MIND in qualità di Titolare del trattamento non è compreso nel presente DPA.

In considerazione dell’esperienza maturata, della correttezza, sicurezza professionalità che connota l’erogazione dei propri servizi, della sua organizzazione, della riscontrata mancanza di provvedimenti sanzionatori in materia di protezione dei dati personali. La Società dimostra di presentare garanzie sufficienti per mettere in atto misure tecniche ed organizzative adeguate in modo tale che il trattamento dei dati personali effettuato nell’ambito del Contratto, soddisfi i requisiti richiesti dall’articolo 28 del GDPR e garantisca la tutela dei diritti degli interessati. Ai fini dell’interpretazione di quanto pattuito nel presente DPA il Cliente agisce come Titolare del trattamento mentre WORLD MIND come Responsabile del trattamento.

The definitions of Data Controller and Data Processor are those indicated in article 4 of the GDPR.

2. Object With the completion of the DPA, the Customer, pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR, appoints RIAVW as Data Processor.

2.1 As Data Processor, the Company must:

to) process personal data only for the provision of the Services covered by the Contract, which for the purposes of this article must be understood as documentation containing the data processing instructions.

b) ensure that the persons authorized to process personal data are committed to confidentiality or have an adequate legal obligation of confidentiality;

c) adopt all the following appropriate organizational and technical measures:

▪ physical security measures: aimed at preventing the access of unauthorized subjects to the Infrastructures within which the Customer's data are stored;

▪ identity and access controls: using an authentication system, as well as a password management policy;

▪ access management system: which limits entry to the structures to those for whom it is indispensable in carrying out their duties and within their responsibilities;

▪ containment system: which, depending on the services, physically or logically isolates customers from each other;

▪ authentication procedures: for user and administrator, as well as to protect access to administrator functions;

▪ an access management system: for support and maintenance activities that operate on the principles of minimum privilege and the need for communication;

▪ procedures and measures: to track the actions carried out on its IT system.

In this regard, the Customer considers these measures adequate in relation to the provisions pursuant to article 32 of the GDPR. In the event that the Customer, with respect to what is described in the aforementioned documentation, considers the organizational and technical measures to be inadequate or requests additional and / or different ones, he must formally express this request.

The Company will evaluate the request and, if implementable, quote the requested modification with a specific offer;

d) comply with the conditions referred to in paragraphs 2 and 4 of art. 28 of EU Regulation 2016/679 so that it does not have recourse to another Manager without the prior written authorization of the Data Controller and, if authorized to use it for specific processing activists, impose the same obligations;

is) assist the data controller with adequate technical and organizational measures, to the extent that this is possible, to follow up on requests received for the exercise of the rights of the interested parties;

f) assist the data controller in ensuring compliance with the obligations referred to in articles 32 to 36 of the GDPR, also taking into account the information available to the data controller;

g) at the choice of the data controller, delete or return all personal data after the provision of the services relating to the processing has ended and delete existing copies;

h) make available to the data controller all the information necessary to demonstrate compliance with the obligations established by the DPA, allowing and contributing to the audit and / or inspection activities.

the) in case of receipt of requests from a judicial authority relating to the personal data processed, inform the Customer, within the limits of the provisions of that authority.

Contratto di nomina a responsabile del trattamento dei dati (DPA) ai sensi dell’articolo 28, Regolamento(UE) 2016/679 della WORLD MIND Shpk (Srl) Tirana AL

L) If the Company is aware of an incident with repercussions on personal data (such as unauthorized access, loss, communication or alteration of data), it will communicate to the Client without undue the nature of the incident.

m) not to transfer the personal data of the Data Controller outside the European Union.

2.2 With reference to the provisions of article 2.1, letter h) it is specified that the inspections and / or verifications of the Data Controller will be carried out upon agreement on the times and methods and must not conflict with the confidentiality obligations assumed by the Company and with the policies business or cause damage / slowdowns to the normal operations of the Company. The costs of these activities will be borne by the Owner.

3. Sub-contract In executing the Contract, the Company may avail itself of the collaboration of its service providers. In this case, it will appoint said suppliers responsible for the treatment through the stipulation of a specific contract that provides for the same obligations provided for by this DPA. The customer as Owner, with the completion of this DPA, expressly authorizes the Company to involve third party suppliers necessary for the provision of the services covered by the Contract. The list of sub-managers is available in the “Safety Documentation” document and the Company undertakes to always keep this list updated.

4. Customer Obligations


4.1 If the Customer acts as Data Processor in the name of third-party owners, he guarantees the Company the following:

▪ to have received the necessary authorizations from the third party (owner);

▪ to have informed the third party that the Company has been appointed as sub-processor;

▪ an agreement has been signed with the third party that is fully consistent with the terms and conditions of this DPA and the Contract;

▪ all information communicated or made available by the Company, in compliance with this DPA, is duly communicated to the third party;


4.2 The Data Controller undertakes to:

to) the processing of personal data, in the context of the execution of the Contract, has an appropriate legal basis (e.g. consent of the interested party, legitimate interests, etc.);

b) the interested parties are informed of the processing of their personal data in a concise, transparent, understandable and easily accessible way, using clear and simple language as required by the GDPR;

c) the interested parties are informed and have the possibility at any time to easily exercise their data rights, as provided for by GDPR.


4.3 The Client is responsible for adopting the appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of resources, systems, applications and operations not the responsibility of the Company. In particular, the Customer declares to be aware that access to the service is guaranteed after authentication with their credentials. The credentials are strictly personal and cannot be transferred to third parties. Maintaining the confidentiality of the credentials is the sole responsibility of the customer, who will be solely responsible for any activity carried out through the use of the same. All the operations carried out using the credentials involve the automatic attribution to the Customer of the operations carried out. Therefore, the Customer acknowledges and accepts that the Company may use any information obtainable from its IT systems to monitor access to the Services to prove the operations carried out by the Customer.


5. Completion and duration of the DPA The parties agree that the DPA will be effective from the activation of the Services and will be valid for the entire duration of the Contract.

6. Liability

6.1 The Company may be held liable only for damage caused by the processing when: (I) it has not complied with the obligations of the GDPR specifically delegated to the Data Processors (II) it has acted against instructions validly written by the Customer. In such cases, the provisions of the Company Liability Agreement will apply.

6.2 If the Company and the Client are involved in a procedure under this Agreement that causes damage to an interested party, the Client will be responsible in the first instance for the full compensation (or other compensation) due to said interested party and, secondly, will claim against the Company for the part of the compensation corresponding to the liability of the Company, provided that a limitation of liability provided for in the Contract is not applicable.

7. Cancellation and return of Personal Data Contract for the appointment of data processor (DPA) pursuant to Article 28, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of WORLD MIND, info@riavw.com7.1 Upon expiry of the Contract or of a single Service (in particular in the event of conclusion or non-renewal), the Company undertakes to delete all information (data, files, systems, applications, websites and other material) in accordance with the conditions provided for in the Contract. ) that are reproduced, stored, hosted or otherwise used by the Customer for the purposes of the Services, except in the presence of a request issued by a competent judicial authority, or when the applicable legislation of the European Union and of an EU Member State provides otherwise.

7.2 The Customer is solely responsible for the processing of data through the use of the Service (backup, etc.). With reference to the conclusion of the Services, for any reason (including, but not limited to, non-renewal), the Customer is aware that the Company will automatically and irreversibly delete all information from its IT systems (including information, data, files, systems, applications, websites and other material) that are reproduced, stored, hosted or otherwise used by the Customer.

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