Lago, il personal design è online - RIAVW

Lago, personal design is online

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The furniture company rethinks the consulting and sales experience to respond to customer needs that have changed with the pandemic.

After the digital consulting service launched last March, the Lago furniture company has launched a new omnichannel experience that integrates physical stores and digital platforms. In the last year we have become accustomed to living spaces in a different way, to putting the home at the center of our life and to inform ourselves more and more often about products and services by using online channels, so the Lago Shopping Experience brings together in a single virtual space the physical and digital tools that allow customers, from their own home or in company stores, to see the furnishings, design new interiors and virtually enter the showroom. 

The most interesting novelty is perhaps the Personal Designer service: by clicking on the video call icon on the site it is possible to initiate a call with a consultant who accompanies customers in real time in showrooms in Italy and abroad, to discover the latest products, telling the furnishings and showing details and functionality. The company then developed a 3D Configurator that allows you to customize Lago furnishings directly from the site, creating infinite compositions in just a few clicks, and to download your project to then order in the most convenient store. Thanks to Digital Consulting, on the other hand, it is possible to speak directly with an interior designer: just make an appointment on the site and start a phone call or a video call to design spaces, redesign environments or develop new solutions while staying at home. Also new is the Virtual Tour that allows you to virtually enter the store thanks to an immersive experience: from the living room to the sleeping area, from the kitchen to the bathroom passing through the Home Office, it is possible to explore the latest collections, see them set and receive practical information. on measurements and materials.

During the months of lockdown, Lago has developed a digital strategy, with design tools and online training to support customers and retailers, which have registered 2,800,000 visits to the site from January to today, an increase of 50% compared to the previous year, while there were 120,000 requests and contacts, the 85% more than in 2019. Over 4,000 architects and consumers participated in webinars dedicated to LAGO products and design, while retailers managed 1,300 digital furniture consultancy and the products configured online were more than 21,500. «This historical period is teaching us that empathy becomes even more central in the development of balanced relationships - explains Daniele Lago, CEO & Head of Design of LAGO SpA -. For this reason we are launching a new mode of interaction between the brand and its entire community, a method that takes into account the different sensitivities of which humanity is composed. Design as a discipline has always encouraged us to seek and find solutions rather than guilty ones, which is why we believe that these new possibilities can become interesting to improve the quality of one's home, which has become central again in our lives ».

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