Aziende più competitive Cinque sono veronesi - RIAVW

Five more competitive companies are from Verona

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There are five companies in the province of Verona, which stood out before the Covid 19 crisis, in terms of management performance, financial reliability and sustainability. Together with 17 others in Veneto, they are among the best 122 at national level, chosen in 18 strategic sectors, which from yesterday to tomorrow will receive the high budget honor of the Felix Industry Award - Italy that competes, assigned on the basis of criteria objective. That is an incontrovertible competitiveness algorithm (assessed on the basis of the financial statements filed), the Cerved Group Score (the financial reliability indicator of one of the most important rating agencies in Europe) and in some cases the sustainability report or report. The three-day event is organized digitally on the national territory. The award in the province will go to Arilica food & beverage services of Peschiera among the top 10 restaurants, Eco-Dem of Alpo di Villafranca among the top 10 of constructions, Legnago Servizi among the best 20 in the "environment" sector, Pedrollo di San Bonifacio among 15 at the top of mechanics, Ware Place in Verona among the 15 innovative services. Seven award-winning companies from Vicenza, three from Padua, Treviso and Venice respectively. Finally, an award also goes to a company in Rovigo. The event is organized by the quarterly of economics and finance Industria Felix Magazine, in collaboration with Cerved, Luiss Guido Carli University, Sustainable Development, AC Industria Felix, with the patronage of Confindustria and the media partnerships of Ansa and Il Sole 24 Ore. Industria Felix has also networked the virtuous companies awarded by involving them in an innovative digital fair with business matching held last month, with the possibility of potentially viewing just over 6 million company profiles in the largest national online search engine, Atoka + . Among the guests, the vice president of Confindustria, Vito Grassi. "In the phases of change and transformation, like the present one, in an economic framework, vision and the ability to drive innovation become decisive factors," he says. According to Cerved's forecasts, there are two sectors that will drive the recovery in 2021: online commerce (+ 17.1%) and innovative services (+ 3.2%). 

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