BolognaFiere promotes Made in Italy organic products with Marca China

In recent years, sales of organic products on the Chinese market have registered a growth of 35%, making it the second largest market in Asia for this sector. BolognaFiere has therefore decided to launch Marca China, a new project whose debut is scheduled from 8 to 10 June 2021 in Shenzhen.
Given the increase in sales of organic products on Chinese markets, BolognaFiere launch the new project China brand which will be presented to Shenzhen, a metropolis nestled in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong province in southern China, next June.
In view of the appointment scheduled for next summer, a agreement between FederBio Servizi and China Organic Food Certification Center (COFCC) - the main official control and certification body for bio in China, which opens the Chinese market to Italian companies interested in expanding their business
“We were the first in Italy to understand the importance of organic farming in economic terms and in terms of perspective for a sustainable future. For over thirty years we have been organizing SANA, the international exhibition of organic and natural products which is a moment of comparison for the market and a partner for its development. Our commitment in support of internationalization is also strong, supported by BolognaFiere's experience on world markets and, markedly, on Asian markets to which we have transferred some of our leading events and in which we operate through BFChina, a Group company dedicated to the organization. of events and, also, to the incoming of Asian operators "he declares Antonio Bruzzone, General Manager of BolognaFiere.
The agreement has thetarget to support theaccess by Italian companies in the various foreign distribution channels: here are inserted the missions that will be organized in collaboration with ICE-ITA Chinese buyers agency at the BolognaFiere events (Sana and MarcabyBolognaFiere), where the leading Italian organic companies exhibit, to allow these Italian companies to then enter China with their certified products for this market.
“We are happy to make our know-how available to organic farming and to do it in partnership with FederBio, with whom we have shared this long experience. The agreement signed by BolognaFiere and, of which we are the only trade fair partners worldwide, is another important opportunity for companies and operators in this constantly expanding sector ”concludes Bruzzone.
FederBio Servizi: An agreement for the creation of a platform for the promotion and internationalization of Italian organic
"Being able to provide Italy with a counter for access to that certification system, being able to count on the synergy with the promotion system implemented by BolognaFiere and ICE in collaboration with FederBio, is a system action more than ever necessary to encourage the resumption of our exports ”he declares Paolo Carnemolla, President of FederBio Servizi.
Also in China, at the same time as Marca China, it will be held in the Shenzen exhibition center Wine to Asia 2021, a new event that will be an opportunity to monitor the emerging trends of the Wine sector in China and in the Asian markets and carry out further synergies on visitors.
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