Emergenza Covid, ente bilaterale terziario stanzia contributo ventimila euro a sostegno dipendenti - RIAVW

Covid Emergency, a bilateral tertiary body allocates a contribution of twenty thousand euros to support employees

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The board of directors of the'Bilateral territorial body of the Tertiary sector of Palermo, consisting of Confcommercio Palermo, Filcams Cgil Palermo, Fisascat Cisl Palermo and Trapani and Uiltucs Sicilia, will allocate a solidarity contribution of 20,000 euros (divided into 100 contributions of 200 euros each) in favor of the employees of the companies that are suffering the repercussions of the economic crisis caused by thesanitary emergency.

The contribution will be intended for the staff of companies registered with the bilateral body that have already had access to the various forms of wage integration or layoffs.

Applications must be submitted by on 15 December to the email segreteria@ebpt.it. A regulation has already been prepared to identify the eligibility criteria for the one-off contribution.

"In a very difficult moment - says Mimma Calabrò, vice president of the organization - we decided to give a little help to trade workers that alongside entrepreneurs are often at the forefront to ensure the regular use of goods and services for the community ".

In recent days, the Fipe Confcommercio had raised the alarm on the situation of restaurateurs when Sicily passed into the yellow zone.

Sicily in the yellow zone, in short, does not make Sicilian restaurateurs rejoice, who with great difficulty have to start again with difficulty for the umpteenth time and with so many uncertainties caused by a policy that does not send clear and precise guidelines.


"We have to wait for the technical-scientific committee, we are slaves to the bureaucratic slowness that distinguishes, from the first moment of the COVID-19 crisis, the modus operandi of both regional and national politics - complains Giovanni Trimboli, provincial president of FIPE Confcommercio restaurateurs -. The uncertainties about the measures that we will have to adopt for the holidays, Christmas lunch yes, dinner no, do not allow us to make any programming. This is yet another little theater that politics has put in place for the month of December ”.

Preparing for the reopening takes time, organization. Furthermore, the restaurateurs point out, the same rules cannot apply to restaurants and bars. Activities that perform their services very differently.

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