Il sindaco candida l'isola di Capri a capitale italiana della cultura 2024 - RIAVW

The mayor nominates the island of Capri as the Italian capital of culture 2024

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The mayor of Capri Marino Lembo nominates the blue island as the Italian capital of culture for the year 2024. The municipal council, which met electronically, unanimously voted on the proposal for the candidacy of the mayor. Prestigious recognition that begins in 2014 in previous editions has been assigned to particular places and towns for their uniqueness, true precious pearls of the Italian artistic and cultural heritage. From Ravenna to Cagliari, from Lecce to Perugia, from Siena to Mantua, from Pistoia to Parma. The assignment of the coveted candidacy for the year 2022 is still in the pipeline while for the year 2023 the towns of Brescia and Bergamo have already been indicated as a sign of solidarity and closeness of the nation to the two locations that were most affected by the covid-19 pandemic. In presenting his project to the councilors in the council, Marino Lembo explained that: “Capri certainly deserves to compete for the award of this prestigious award, due to its history and its consolidated role as a cultural crossroads in the Mediterranean. But our candidacy, underlined the Mayor, has a multiple value: on the one hand, that of the spearhead of a region like Campania, which has a lot to offer in the cultural field. Capri is the leader of a territory whose history is lost in the mists of time; and in fact we will immediately contact the Campania Region, whose support is necessary and essential. In addition to the involvement of the Campania Region, the Municipality of Anacapri and the cultural and socio-economic realities of the island, the intervention of the Chamber of Commerce and the regional tourism agency will be very important. Another decisive aspect - concluded the mayor - is the clear manifestation of our desire to plan a lasting and significant recovery after the economic emergency linked to the pandemic, which has also affected Capri in a not marginal way ”.

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