Tropical, evergreen plant with pleasantly variegated rich foliage. It has oval, elongated leaves, dark green variegated with light green - pale green. The underside of the leaves is purplish red. Calathea belongs to the Marantaceae family and the genus is composed of about 150 species native to South America, between Brazil and Peru. You can also find it as Marantha.
It requires a rather humid atmosphere and intense heat (not less than 18 degrees) two conditions that are difficult to achieve at the same time in a normal home, so spray it often, better from the bottom up to cool the lower part and make it feel as if it were in an undergrowth. You can use a saucer filled with a layer of expanded clay to keep constantly moist. In this way the whole plant will be able to benefit from the humidity that is created and the roots not being in direct contact with water will not suffer from water stagnation. The soil must always be fresh and moist but not soaked. In summer it is best to water approximately every 3 days, in winter every 2 weeks. It fears drafts and the vase should be placed in a bright area but where the sun's rays do not reach. Love diffused light, filtered by curtains. Direct light, on the other hand, can cause the leaf margin to dry out. It can also remain in the shade, but the leaves lose their color brilliance.
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