Manutenzione completa e cura dell’auto
Opened in 1989, theworkshop
From Rome Autoservice mette a disposizione dei clienti una struttura attrezzata con strumenti sofisticati e moderni e personale esperto e qualificato, in grado di intervenire con professionalità e affidabilità su
qualsiasi modello di automobile. La struttura è autorizzata per effettuare le riparazioni delle auto a marchio Fiat, Ford e Renault, con la completa
disponibilità dei pezzi di ricambio originali e si impegna a fornire un servizio completo ed accurato nel più breve tempo possibile. L’intento di Autoservice è sempre stato quello di lavorare con dedizione e accuratezza, di accogliere i clienti con la massima cortesia e di valorizzare l’importanza di
proper and regular maintenance of the car, in order to always have a
available an efficient vehicle with excellent performance, with the advantage
to reduce consumption and reduce costs and with the consequences of a minimum impact
environmental. The workshop staff is made up of expert personnel, equipped with
strong expertise in the sector and engaged in a training course
continues, to always be in perfect harmony with the most modern technologies
and to comply in detail with the legislative regulations in terms of safety
on the roads. TheAutoservice workshop is open every day from Monday to Friday
from 8.30 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00.
Mandatory inspections and engine check ups
Thanks to the significant
esperienza e alle forti competenze nel campo delle autoriparazioni, l’ officina di Roma Autoservice
today it is equipped with the necessary IT systems to carry out the activity
of revision center authorized by the Ministry of Transport, carrying out all
the necessary periodic mandatory overhaul and gas control operations
exhaust, with relative e
the Blue Stamp mission. The mandatory revision,
necessary for compliance with the laws on safety on
roads, consists of a series of accurate checks relating to the structure
of the vehicle, to the functionality and stability of the vehicle, with a regard
particular to the balance and toe-in, to the condition of the tires e
to the braking system. Verifications relating to ministerial controls can
be carried out only by an authorized center equipped with the necessary
instrumentation, and by qualified personnel.
Autoservice's specialized staff is able to offer a range
complete with services related to technical assistance to motor vehicles, from
maintenance and repair of all mechanical parts, to the complete check up
of the engine with related repairs and replacement of components
worn out, to installation, maintenance and inspection of the
air conditioning systems, when changing tires. You can request
also the installation of satellite alarm and navigator and the assembly of
any type of accessory. The workshop operates in such a way as to reduce to
minimum waiting times, however customers who request it come
offered the possibility of using a replacement car.
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