Ritrovata dopo oltre 20 anni la lapide della Contessa di Castiglione - RIAVW

The tombstone of the Countess of Castiglione was found after more than 20 years

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Traces of it were lost in 1999 when, on the occasion of the centenary of the woman's death, she was brought to Turin. The Cavour Foundation will contact the French Ministère de la Culture as soon as possible, through diplomatic channels, to agree on the final destination of the plaque.

The finding

The tombstone was among the finds of the liquidation of the old Grinzane Cavour Prize: Giuliano Soria had brought it from the Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris in 1999, where it had been replaced with a copy, on the occasion of the centenary of the countess's death, with the agreement to provide, at their own expense, for the restoration. The stone, which arrived in Turin, could not be restored since Soria, who died in 2019, was involved in serious legal events and the institution he presided over was put into liquidation. The plaque was then abandoned in the warehouse of a construction company which, in the meantime, had ceased its activity. Traces of it were lost and only today has it been found. While waiting for its final destination to be agreed, the plaque is now kept in the Cavourian park of Santena (Turin), near the prestigious Diplomatic Hall of the Castle.

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