Stampa estera ammaliata da Palermo: Orlando guida d'eccezione al mercato di Ballarò - RIAVW

Foreign press captivated by Palermo: Orlando is an exceptional guide to the Ballarò market

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Foreign press captivated by Palermo: Orlando is an exceptional guide to the Ballarò market
On the agenda, meetings with representatives of the Palermo society who have signed projects for economic growth and cultural rebirth. The group was also at the multi-ethnic restaurant “Moltivolti” and the superintendent of the Massimo, Francesco Giambrone, opened the doors for a visit and let them attend the rehearsals.

Journalists from foreign and national newspapers, bloggers and social influencers are in these days in Palermo to promote the city and to interview representatives of public, economic and cultural life in the Palermo area. The busy agenda of the visit includes several meetings with Mayor Leoluca Orlando, with entrepreneurs from the catering, hospitality / tourism sector and food. An incoming path and a story told by the protagonists of the Palermo society who have signed projects for economic growth and cultural rebirth.

The journalists met Marcello Mangia, Aeroviaggi, Giovanni Scalia and Natale Chieppa, managing director and general manager of Gesap, the management company of the Falcone-Borsellino airport, Nicola Farruggio, president of Federalberghi Palermo, Massimo Valsecchi, entrepreneur and collector, who purchased Palazzo Butera to then restore it and transform it into a museum, Marco Giammona and Dario Nepoti of the "Palermo 2030" Business Community, the women of Sicilian wine led by Roberta Urso Mandrarossa, the entrepreneur of innovative catering, Daniela Sclafani, the coffee entrepreneur Arturo Morettino and his historical production included the museum, while Giuseppe Tasca d'Almerita illustrated to them the new park open to the public of the historical Villa of the family. The superintendent of the Teatro Massimo, Francesco Giambrone, opened the doors for a visit to the theater and let us attend the rehearsals.

"In this time of suspension and reduction of many activities - says Mayor Leoluca Orlando - the presence of journalists, information and communication operators from different countries of the world is significant: a time that we are committed to using to preserve today and to resume as soon as possible the great international and tourist attraction of our city which has suffered a period of heavy arrest ”.

The journalists' journey began last Monday from the airport, promoter of the project "E Palermo starts - #flytopalermo" together with the Municipality, where the delegation of foreign and Italian press journalists, bloggers and social influencers, was welcomed by Giovanni Scalia, CEO of Gesap, the Palermo airport management company, in a meeting on the future and on the growth of the airport.The journalists then met the mayor Leoluca Orlando at Palazzo delle Aquile, who accompanied them to the heart of Palermo, visiting the historic market of Ballarò. The group was at the Italian and multi-ethnic restaurant "Moltivolti", run by Italians and immigrants, an organization of humanitarian-social commitment and a coworking space: a project supported by the Municipality of Palermo in the years of the great immigration crisis from 2014 to 2016. The itinerary then included visits to the Grand hotel et des Palme, Palazzo Sant'Elia and Villa Tasca. The program included common and individual itineraries - in addition to the city ones - from Marsala to the Madonie, from Monreale to Menfi, visiting wine companies, ancient villages, traditions and ultra-modern and sustainable productions of food and wine products, one of the tourist villages of the Mangia family in Pollina - an important driving force of tourism in Sicily -, to get to know Palermo, the metropolitan area and western Sicily. Many of them used the cars of the municipal car sharing “Amigo” for their individual itineraries. Unforgettable was the visit to Palazzo dei Normanni - made possible by the collaboration between the Municipality and the Sicilian Regional Assembly - with strict compliance with all safety measures and with the kind concession of the President of Ars, Gianfranco Micciché, as well as the Federico II Foundation, and other Arab-Norman monuments up to Monreale.

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