Ente Bilaterale del Commercio e dei Servizi

Bilateral Trade and Services Body

The Bilateral Body: a service network aimed at consolidating, improving and promoting the Services sector, raising the quality of working relationships.

The Bilateral Trade and Services Body of the Province of Verona is a body established in 1992 pursuant to National Collective Labor Agreement for the Tertiary, Distribution and Services sector. It is made up of representatives of Confcommercio and of the trade union organizations Filcams-CGIL, Fisascat-CISL, Uiltucs-UIL.

The purposes

There mission of the Bilateral Entity, which does not pursue profit-making purposes, finds its definition in the development of working relationships, through the management of trade union agreements and the creation of services for the growth and organization of companies and workers in the Tertiary sector.

Who we turn to

Our interlocutors are all businesses and workers in Commerce and Services operating in the territorial area of the province of Verona and applying the sector collective agreement:

wholesale and retail trade of food and non-food products, shops, supermarkets, hypermarkets, commercial offices, advertising agents, sales agents, car dealerships, motorcycles, petrol stations, tobacconists ...

What do we do

  • Free training: we promote and manage training and professional qualification initiatives at a local level
  • Income support: initiatives aimed at temporarily supporting the income of workers and employers
  • Territorial agreements: we implement specific agreements between the organizations that make up the body
  • Employment relations: issue of a compliance opinion for the recruitment of apprentices, conciliation for employer / worker disputes
  • Management of funds for the integration of income in sectors not covered by other social safety nets
  • Meeting between job supply and demand

The Bilateral Body is a safeguard system, completely self-financed that does not weigh on the community.

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