Guide di Roma will make you discover the History of Rome and its culture from the moment of birth on April 21st 753 BC until today. An invitation to stroll through streets and alleys, between restaurants and clubs, to appreciate art, music and ancient traditions.

Dear visitor, we wish to give you the most sincere welcome to Rome, presenting the splendor of its monuments and its immense charm since ancient times. Museums open late and a thousand itineraries are available to all those who wish to discover the Rome of the Caesars and that of the Popes, with its many faces that have overlapped over the centuries.

Our group of Rome Guides will accompany you in all directions where every detail is a secret and every secret shared with you. Living Rome can turn into the adventure of a lifetime for that tourist who decides to immerse himself completely in its historicity: visit its palaces, follow the paths traced by the San Pietrini until you have pain in your feet and decide to stop and rest contemplating one of its thousand wonders, perhaps the most hidden and remained unknown to the rest of the crowd.

The Roman capital offers magic and enchantment to those visitors who decide to explore it to get to know its soul by choosing to spend a few days totally immersed in its atmosphere. Rome cannot be visited in one day or even in three. With little time available, it is better to deepen some things and then ... come back.

WE ARE a group of Official Guides of Rome and its Province, Authorized and Accredited Guides to the Vatican.

WE SUCCEED, with thirty years of experience, to satisfy your every request and we are operational all year round.

WE ORGANIZE tourist visits with a historical, literary and educational theme even in high season.

WE APPLY special rates for school groups and the disabled, taking into consideration your proposals.

WE CARRY OUT our activity in Central Italy, Rome and the Province, we collaborate with Local, National and International Bodies.

WE OFFER prestigious and simple, cultural and fun tourist services, aimed at families, groups, individuals, schools and associations.

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Joe Doe in London?

Joe Doe in London, England purchased a

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