Iper Biobottega

We want a more sustainable world, where people live in balance with the earth and its resources.

We have been choosing organic for more than 25 years. And we never get tired of doing it. We feel aware of our environmental and social impact: this is why we take care of the territory and the well-being of people.

Follow the supply chain of our products

Thanks to the certifications and local producers we have selected, you always know where they come from!

Bio stamp

All organic products are safe and certified: you recognize them by the green label with the 12-star leaf.

Local producers

We love our territory and we are committed to supporting it: we select producers and local excellences.

Traced supply chain

We only choose products from the supply chain: you can know the history of each product, from the fields to your home.


We like simple things

We choose genuine and essential products made with techniques that enhance the characteristics of the raw materials, all organic. Preservatives and additives are banned: the shorter the list of ingredients, the better!


Good by nature

Organic is not just a food choice: it is a lifestyle. Since we opened our first store in 1994, we have been committed to spreading the culture of organic products and choosing foods designed for the well-being of people and the planet.


A conscious choice

For us, work must also be ethical: our sustainability commitments are shared with suppliers and we make sure that everyone involved in the production chain meets our standards. Our drivers are hired and paid just right.

Ninja Silhouette 9 hours ago

Joe Doe in London, England purchased a

Joe Doe in London?

Joe Doe in London, England purchased a

Joe Doe in London?

Joe Doe in London, England purchased a

Joe Doe in London?

Joe Doe in London, England purchased a

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