Pasticceria Veneta


The pleasure of a great tradition

To be a daily appointment
with the desire for sweetness, pastry
must meet us with the scents of
nature, the lightness of the air, the freshness of the water ...

It must be as beautiful as a spring painting, as seductive as the lines of a poem, as harmonious as the movements of a symphony ... it must take us back to the fairy tales of our childhood, when we were so greedy for little houses with chocolate roofs and marzipan walls ...

It is from 1978 that Dino Bisca and Loredano Grande began their story as original interpreters of Venetian pastry, ennobling it and making it become a real artistic expression, the result of high quality craftsmanship. A beautiful and long story, which comes from a story even more
long ...

The magical pastry shop

The history of Venetian pastry is a long story that begins in the time of Marco Polo, in the era in
which Venice it was already distinguished by its cosmopolitan nature, its openness towards countries and
distant cultures, his desire to savor and mix the scents, flavors and customs of the world. Her
anima is at the origin of its magic, its greedy curiosity at the base of its delicious gastronomic and confectionery delicacies. This centuries-old tale lives in Loredano Grande's DNA and
Dino Bisca, is an integral part of their cultural heritage, they preserve its spirit, the desire to improve by associating the flavors of the territory with exotic tastes from other regions of the planet.
The art of VENETIAN PASTRY expresses all the quality of Venetian pastry, of those delicacies created to celebrate the recurrences of the sea and the countryside ... of the Carnival, the Feast of the Redeemer, the San Martino ...
Over time, Venetian pastry masters began to use
traditional ingredients - shortcrust pastry, caramelized fruit, jams, butter and cream from the Dolomites ... - together with spices and foodstuffs such as cocoa, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, thus giving life to cakes, pies and biscuits of innovative amiability. An exchange that,
in addition to the East, Venice was also able to intertwine with its hinterland… suffice it to recall the tiramisu of Treviso… and with the Old Continent, from France - with its profiteroles - to Vienna, with its Sacher. Also for this noble inheritance, VENETIAN PASTRY it is loved all over the world.

That of Venice is a cuisine of water and earth, focused on the delicate and perfect balance of
its lagoons and the sea a little further on.

In the seventies they took over their owner's shop and soon doubled with another pastry shop on the Venetian coast. A few years later, they set up their first laboratory of sweets and ice cream, which immediately met the favor of consumers and the Venetian restaurant. Bisca and Grande are driven by passion and enthusiasm for their work. They attend pastry and ice cream courses at the
famous Ecole Lenotre in Paris and in those years inaugurated a fruitful partnership with the master pastry chef Rossano Boscolo, a collaboration that will continue in Italy in the L'Etoile cooking and pastry training center, giving added value to their creations.
At the same time, the two Masters carefully follow the market trend and the evolution of consumer tastes, interpreting them with new references that, from success to success, have determined a progressive expansion of the production structure, starting an intelligent integration of artisanal resources with friendly technologies.
Today VENETIAN PASTRY boasts the production of over 10,000 high-quality frozen desserts a day, destined for the domestic market and, increasingly, for export.

“For our desserts we have always been faithful to the traditional
quality of the "made in Venice", to its historical ability to enhance
the good products of our land with original selections
of ingredients from various parts of the world. "

The Bontà Venete branded sweets and the Dolcezze Veneziane branded single-portion line combine the ancient flavors of the best Venetian tradition and compliance with the most severe and rigorous compliance with international standards in terms of safety, quality and the environment, in all stages of processing, from the purchase of raw materials to the verification of the finished product, with continuous checks and analyzes.

Your cakes are appreciated in Italy and in many other countries of the world: what is the secret?
Loredano Grande: I think that the choice to put quality at the center of our production process has been constantly maintained throughout our journey. As Italians we are very conscientious about the characteristics of the ingredients, so for all our creations we use only raw materials, coming from controlled and certified supply chains. We think that every product must be good and compatible with the needs of our health.

Health is a very topical topic, because there are constantly increasing intolerances for various foods. What are you doing to deal with these emergencies?
LG.: We are very active in this sector. We think cake should be a joy for everyone and have spent some time researching to create products suitable for those with specific dietary needs, eg. celiac disease, diabetics, with recognized and appreciated results. More generally, we update our recipes as needed; for example, today we are focused on the lightness and digestibility of our creations, without diminishing the pleasure of taste

Pasticceria Veneta has developed a lot in recent years: how did you manage to maintain the characteristics of your sweet artisans with this progressive growth?
LG.: It is one of our secrets that qualifies us. It's us and our pastry chefs. It all depends on our pastry chefs and their success in what they produce. They use their knowledge and skills combined with technology to create high quality products.

In all these years you have never had a hard time between yourself and your employees. Is this another one of your secrets?
Dino Bisca: Teamwork is fundamental for our success and by working towards the same goal with equal commitment we guarantee the goodness, safety and aesthetics of our products.

How did you manage to combine tradition and innovation?
DB: In the last decade, by constantly monitoring the market and the evolution of tastes, we have seen the need to reduce calorie intake. With the direct professional involvement of our workers, we have progressively adapted our traditional recipes and created niche organic products to meet the needs of vegans and vegetarians.

Market demands have become increasingly segmented: what procedures do you use to address them?
DB: As a flexibility-oriented organization: with the support of technology, we provide personalized answers to both our direct consumers and the diversified needs of private labels.

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